The experiment is to draw a random sample of size \(n\) with replacement from a population of size \(m\). In the applet, the population consists of \(m\) balls numbered from 1 to \(m\). The random variable of interest is \(V\), the number of distinct values in the sample. On each run, the sample of balls is shown in the urn graph; a ball that duplicates a previously chosen ball is shown in red, and otherwise is shown in green. The value of \(V\) is recorded on each run in the data table. The probability density function of \(V\) is shown in blue in the distribution graph and is recorded in the distribution table. On each update, the empirical density function of \(V\) is shown in red in the distribution graph and is recorded in the distribution table. The parameters \(m\) and \(n\) can be varied with scroll bars.